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News and Updates - 11/5/23

Hello Friends,

Time to provide an update on current projects, as well as provide some news on upcoming releases!

The Simon Myth Chronicles: Broken Chalice #3

I know many of you have been waiting for the next issue of The Simon Myth Chronicles and rest assured it will be soon! I apologize to my fans for the delay. The reason this issue has taken so long is I had a major move this past year, as well as a medical issue that surfaced with my spine that has prevented me from being able to do artwork like I used to. Although I have not stopped making art, this issue has certainly slowed down my once rapid pace. Issue 3 is completely drawn and I only have about a third of the pages left to inkwash.

Another reason for delay has been that my normal distributor, IndyPlanet, is so short-staffed and back-filled with orders it takes up to six months to get one of my issues available in my online shop. I am currently looking for another print-on-demand venue to distribute my comics. I am leaning toward Lulu, as I am doing my best to not support Amazon due to their monopolization of the industry. If anyone out there knows of any other viable options, let me know. Speaking of new distribution . . .

NEW RELEASE: Invisible Horizons

I have been very busy beyond just making comics . . . I have not one, but two books in the works, one of which I am hopeful will be out in time for the holidays: Invisible Horizons is a short-story collection that I started over the summer based upon a series of dreams I was having that just begged to be expressed in print! Not only does it feature dreams, but this collection will also include some fiction and nonfiction stories that span the many decades of my writing career. Some tap into horror, others psychedelic. All of them, regardless of genre, will entertain! Again, I am looking at Lulu as my distributor, so stay tuned in the coming month for release info! If you know me, you know I am always turning every project up to eleven! One of the stories originally slated to be in this collection, called Sinai, will actually become its own book. I am excited about this one as it is my first story I have even written about vampires! Also, not to sound crazy, but it almost feels as if it is being channeled, just pouring through me without a lot of thought. Stay tuned for more!

NEW RELEASE: B^tm^n: Year Wha?!

Another new release you can purchase NOW is a fan project created by 100 Percent Comics, a recreation of Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli's seminal comics work, Batman: Year One, by some of the best indie artists in the business! B^tm^n: Year Wha?! is an amazing project that became so big, they had to split it into two parts: one color, one black-and-white, each of them containing different artists altogether! In the bootleg jam tradition of Shitty Watchmen and Weapon Echh!, you can now see how over 50 artists reimagined one of the greatest Batman stories of all time.

I only have work featured in the color version. You can purchase either in color, black-and-white, or both. This was an amazing project to work on and it is such an honor being featured alongside so many other amazing creators!

Psychonaut Sessions Hiatus

Some of you noticed that a few months ago I started making Psychonaut Sessions Youtube videos again, but the audio was off from the video by about a minute. I tried over and over to resolve this technical issue and I believe I may have just reached capacity in producing videos on my decade-old laptop. With all of the other projects I have in front of me (including having a day job and being a family man) I will unfortunately have to put Psychonaut Sessions on hiatus for the foreseeable future. I just do not currently have the funds to get new equipment. We will see what the future holds.

Patreon: Psychonaut Presents #5

I am still producing content on my Patreon, albeit sporadically. Whenever I can, I am posting panels and pages of my latest issue of Psychonaut Presents #5, something that you will only be able to access by signing up to my Patreon! Be sure to sign up to my Patreon today!

Don't forget to check out my Shop to discover all my other great books: THE SHAMANIC SOUL, SHAMANIC QABALAH, RED MASS, and tons of merch and prints!

Stay tuned by signing up to this newsletter and you'll get all the latest and greatest news coming out of my brain! I am so deeply grateful for the support all of my fans out there and, as always . . .



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