2024: New Look, New Feelz
Welcome to 2024! As you can see, my website has a new look/feel to accompany the New Year! Why, you may ask? Read on and find out . . .

This is a picture of my wife and I at a lake near our new home. 2023 was a huge year of transition for us. Many things in our life were beginning to crumble late-2022/early-2023 and we knew we needed a change. In fact, we decided to uproot our lives completely and sell our home, moving to a new town entirely. Accompanied by our youngest (who still lives at home) that was no easy feat! Yet, that transition to a new environment was exactly what we needed to transform our lives and help bring us closer together. Just as farmers burn their fields to make way for new fertile growth, sometimes you need to cast off what doesn't work in your life to open the opportunities for better things. Although it was not my greatest year in terms of creative output, it was a worthwhile year of setting up a new and healthier space for my creative expressions to come through in the future. I needed the reset and respite . . . now, I'm ready to work!
So, as my physical environment was changed, I wanted to mirror that in my digital environment as well. I felt a black background with white text would be a more sufficient match to the energy I want to bring forward for the next phase of my creative life. Black does not have be a color of negativity, in fact (to me) it represents mystery and power. It is all colors combined. It is that stuff we see when we close our eyes, which is the doorway into the spiritual source of the universe. Black is my favorite color. Thus, the change.
In this move to a New Year, I am asserting my focus on a few projects that I am pretty excited about and hope to find some level of completion soon. They are:

This collection will be out soon and contains some of my stories and articles, some that have previously been published, some never before published. It is about 75% complete; I just need to finalize a few pieces and then get through the editing process. When done, I will make it available on Amazon and/or another print-on-demand, self-publishing platform.

Still plugging away on this series, I can't wait to deliver the next issue of Simon Myth! This issue will get DARK, but don't worry, ol' Simon will find ways to lighten things up later on. Right now in the story, we will be exploring a bit of the past of the primary antagonists: Skinscript and Grayson. You can also check out more info on the story and character breakdowns on my Simon Myth page. The story will still continue well after this issue, so stay tuned . . .

I have been diligently working on my next novel, Sinai. This is not the final cover; I just like to have a mockup cover to look at while writing. Sinai is the story of Jonathan Toor, an amnesiac who finds out he is the member of a family of immortals engaged in a centuries-long civil war. This concept developed during 2023 and I am very excited to (hopefully) be sharing it this year. If I ever wrote a vampire story, it would be Sinai.
I have other things I will be working on when I find the time, including Psychonaut Presents #5 and Vision Tales #1, but they are not top priorities at this point. I will get to them as time allows. You can find any Psychonaut Presents pages I finish on my Patreon. I will still make Psychonaut Sessions on my Youtube channel (subscribe to get notifications), but (again) only when I can find the time. My creative projects listed above will take top priority on my creative schedule until they are complete.
Also, I am working on a commission pinup for Sam Tsohonis to go into his next issue of The Transmigratory Adventures of Philip K in the Land of the In-Betweeners. If you haven't checked out Sam's work yet, you definitely should! He is truly a unique talent in the world of comics!
In the meantime, I hear all the cool people are kicking off the new year by purchasing one or more of my books, comics, and/or merch from my Shop. After all, the funds help put my kids through college. Don't forget, I just released the latest issue of The Simon Myth Chronicles: Broken Chalice #3, which you can purchase directly from me by emailing me at dmoler777@gmail.com.

So, to conclude, I really appreciate those of you who have been supporting me over the years, especially my Patrons! I could not do any of this without you! I hope and wish for a wonderful new year for everyone, that you are able to create the lives you want for yourselves! Until next time . . .