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THE Book on Magick (A Book Review of Chapman's ADVANCED MAGICK FOR BEGINNERS)
This is the first book I have read in 2019. And I am out of a job. Why? Because Alan Chapman wrote a book about magick. Before picking up...

A Legit SciFi Occult Novel (A Book Review of Clarke's CHILDHOOD'S END)
I just finished Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke for the first time and am a little blown by what I just read, because . . . . . . YOU...

What is Shamanic Qabalah?
If you are a spiritually inter-faith person, you likely have seen the title of my book and your interest was piqued. Others have been...

Daniel's Top 5 Favorite Esoteric Tomes (WMT-style)
In the wake of writing about my Top 5 Favorite Novels, as well as my friend and author Jason Louv's 5 Best Books on Magick, I felt...

When Imagination Becomes Sentient
*A version of this post was originally published on The Tattooed Buddha. For years I have been trying to write this one character who...

The Devil of Winter Wood
Happy Halloween, folks! To celebrate the most glorious of all holidays, here is a blast from the past: a very short story (flash style)...

Aronofsky's Qabalah Film Trilogy
I once read on a web forum somewhere that film director Darren Aronofsky's film "Noah" was the final installment of a Qabalastic film...

The Book I Couldn't Finish (A Book Review of Crowley's MOONCHILD)
Like other boys growing up in a small town from the Midwest, I was first introduced to Aleister Crowley via the enigmatic, devilish...

Not Your Hollywood Kind of Magic (A Film Review of A DARK SONG)
I have never in my life seen a movie that accurately captures a true depiction of ceremonial magic . . . then came along A DARK SONG....

What is Esotericism?
Esotericism is a multi-disciplinary field of spiritual knowledge contained within all religions which concerns the principles and...
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